In an effort to fit as much Texas enjoyment in before heading off to the great white northern, Jeff and I explored three of the prettiest Texas rivers this last weekend. Friday, we went down and floated the Guadalupe with the "rivergaf" himself, Glenn Fischer. The river was low and we drug bottom a few times along the way, but it was still great to feel the cool green water. We also stopped at the Blanco on the way back to our camp site in Fredericksburg. Jeff always laughs at how I can't cross the Blanco w/out reminding him that was the river that my dad learned to swim on.
Saturday it rained, so we hung out in the Admiral Nimitz museum and toured a local winery with Hayley and Jeff. Sunday came with beautiful sunshine, so we decided to detour to Llano to swim.
Now, since the start of our marriage Jeff and I have battled over the best way to unwind. Jeff's definition of relaxation involves an ample portion of physical activity with a heavy dose of risk- taking adventure. My idea of relaxation involves minimal exertion, lounging, and a great meal to end the day. After years of compromising and dissatisfaction on both our parts at times, we arrived at the perfect solution!
With Jeff's recently aquired kayak, and my purchase of an $8 river raft at the nearest Dollar Store, we headed to the river...
As we approached the river, I was thinking "ahhh, what a beautiful body of water to float on..." Jeff was thinking, "Wow! Cool...let's see how far I can paddle upstream!"
Then brilliance struck, as Jeff offered to pull me behind the kayak. There I was, Queen of the Llano, with a rope tied to my ankle, he gently rowed me up and down the river as I read my Reader's Digest...can it get any better than that?!
Overall, the trip was wonderful.