Monday, June 27, 2005

The Beginning

This is my first entry in our online journal. My hope in having this BLOG is that family and friends can go along with us as we begin the next chapter of our lives. Feel free to respond with comments and questions regarding each entry. Just know that all will be able to read your entry, or if you want to send a private message you can send an email to us. Our email address is

Currently we are preparing for our move. Packing, planning, and praying. God has blessed us with everything we need. We purchased a great truck, and a trailer...both at a great price.
We will be pulling out of Abilene on Sept. 10th, to move to Anchor Point, AK. The trip is over 4,000 miles...but boy, am I pumped! When we reach the Canadian border we will only be half way. Amy Kay will be going up with us and then flying back home. We plan on heading to the "Four Corners" area first and then up through Utah to Salt Lake City, through Utah, Montana and then up through BC to the "Alcan" (aka the Alaska Highway), which will take us all the way to Alaska.

Please keep checking back for updates. Until then...I pray blessings for you and yours.